Tuesday, December 25, 2007

im back..

tett..mlka kita org karaoke+window sopping+pool..hikhik..bufday pak teh aku rupenya(22/12)epy bufday..next,ahad tu aku x blik pd..aku ikut mk ngah pi shah alm.tido umah dia..waa,penat sih.sbb ptgnyer pi the curve+cineleisure+ikea+ou=damansara plusss pluss..huhu..esknyer pi kl tido umah mk long.haaa!mk long bwk kitaorg g aquaria n yg utamanya dpt naik sky bridge KLCC.whoa..gayat sih!!mulanya..org tu kt da full.then tetiba kt ader 6 lgi kosong.that's y epy bangt!!bukn seng nk naik bridge tu..tul x?byangkn ppagi buta dpt naik bnda alah tu.x ke nyusahkn korang sendiri beratur panjang..n aquaria hv the best shot!!ikan yg mnja..ular yg mlas.katak yg besa..wateva

Thursday, December 20, 2007



seawal jam 5 pagi aku da bangun untuk menyambut.seronok sgt!ntah kenape..kt umah da tersedia lemang segala ketupat n rendang.hehe.dtglah kemari.wawa..actually blog ni aku n jdikan personal..ala-ala diari..tp tak taw..seng bersahaja je mcm ni.rayer pg ni mmg indah.takala abg aku blik awl pagi dr penang.waaa,congrats da abih blajar.sabar itu membawa byk ertinye.akk aku pulak kt melaka x blik pun.ade exam.sedey arr!good luck to u sis!lurv you 4eve.to papa..sian dier penat amik abg pagi2..mak pulak asik bz kt dapur..siannyer..tp aku tolong oke.dun worry!uhhu..oh yer.esok mak jang aku dtg.wa meriahnyer umah aku.then kitaorg lusanyer nk pi berhimpun kat melaka..mahkota century blkg mahkota parade.nk taw buat apa???hehe,later i'll tell u...so,selamat hari raya aidiladha.semoga membawa seribu satu erti kepada diri masg2!pengorbanan kali ni mesti berbaloi jika hati ini ikhlas memperjuangknnye.amin..

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

aku mahu pergi jauh..

tolonglah..i knoe this is shit blog i've done but please!!i dunno why im so emo.maybe SPM nti kot.that's y i stress giler.everyone da tahu where they want to go.me??still confuse and more confuse.i hate when this happen.stress!im actually from art class.so many competitive of course science class really smart.budak2 dia giler ramai..ohh,i want my dream come true.is it will happen to me?sampai ke aku ke menara gading...?tolong i want to be part of them too..i hate when this feel killing my mood!arghhh....ya allah!show me sumthing..i need that clue to bring me far away from other.kalu bole i don't want to see them anymore.bcause sadness always come through my heart!im sad..i want go anywhere different lifestyle.changes any i need to.bkn kejam utk tinggl kwn.tp itu satu2nya jln yg mampu pulihkan aku dr trus bersedey dan x bersemangt!i need to stand on my feet.i dont want ppl judges me anymore.aku seorang yg mampu buat keputusan aku sendiri.understand me is enough actually..support at least not show ur face infront of me.just through `doa' for my success in this life..that's what i want!