Friday, August 22, 2008

kasih seorang sahabat dan..bercampuk aduk toi

masyallah,kalau korang tengok blog aku skrg.asyik citer pasal persahabatan.ini gara2 aku ingin tarik perhatian seseorang yang aku sayang tp segan nk ckp yg aku syangkan dia .dia bukan lelaki.sepatutnya aku x disebabkan dah lama x contact dia,so feel dia laen cikit.x pe la yang pentingnya Allah janji dalam bulan atau thn seterusnya aku akan stop citer ttg sahabat.ini kerna nk berbagaikan blog aku yg cute cam kek lapis aku beli baru2 nih.walaupun orang mengira nk dekat exam.masing2 kelam kabut.aku bole lagik bukak blog lelama??????????/pengsan aku!aku ni sebenarnya xkan puas citerkan kesah aku.waduh!release tension.kat umah,aku hanya suke bercerita pada mak aku but lately ni,dia bz sgt ngan pertandingan poco2..good luck mama!walaupun aku x penah ungkap sayangnyeee aku padamu(sbb segannye hal) tp u always in my heart.assalamualaikum

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ttg sahabat..

aku punyai ramai antara semua org aku mmg dapt lihat yg mane ambil berat ttg diri aku,yg mane sungguh hipokrit dan yg mane sayangkan aku,mmg tersangt susah nak cari teman sejati.kawan sejati bg pendapat aku,mereka ini seorang yang tidak putus asa melayan perangai kawnnye malah menegur nya untuk kebaikan.bukan berselindung dan sebagainya.mereka juga berada di cc kita tika mane kita sedey dan berasa terpinggir:(

apa pendapat korang?kawan sangt penting dalam kehidupan kita selain familia.kita memerlukan mereka sebagai teman bicara apabila familia berada berjauhan dgn kita.dilema sungguh aku kali ini.tersangat sensitif membuka bicara ttg kawan.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

kenduri dan sterusnya berbagaiyg hadir di fikiranku malam ini

best bangt!tp mulanya rase bosan sb aku x brapa mengenali mereka yg oke nye!aku dapat jamah nasi briyani gamm.huhu.sedap!pandai org johor masak yee.aku terjumpa mamat encem kt cna.waduh,kalu la dpt jd gf dia..mesti best tp malangnyer gf dia dah ada.but she's defitnately looks like queen control.takut bf kna kebas..apaa daa!

better than imaginative..

im used to be so worried bout mylife since i count that big exam is nearly now!im very uncomfortable thinking of that.own my way to think properly what i should be next..i seek the -personality test about career.that is what they are suggest to me that i also think it really suitable with me.Allah help me to choose right career in my life.amin!!

You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to be creative, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
University Professor
Graphic Designer
Online Content Developer
Managing Director

You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don't like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private.

You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don't like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses.
You like to be deeply involved in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others and protect their feelings.

You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative. You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.
You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don�t like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.