just got the msg from Atiqah.
we were talked about the result!oh man,not again..im getting tired for this.let me rest for awhile!huhu.she told me that grade A is nothin' actually.they way we have to put into ourself are confident!no wonders she got it well!so well done my dear!im gonna miss you.you're just beside me when i was so nervous!you are very supportive!it's about 5 years i knew you and it's so touch my heart.we're going to get our future dreams.i was thinking last night who gonna be my next advisor?you are no longer stay behind me to back up,teach and whatever we had done together.nobody knows about us.about fwenship i have set up in my mind.there's no other like you now!i have to be alone and independents.Ya Allah,im not dying without her but i just dunno what to do without her.and one more things,am frighten more to continue my further study!even i guess am ready for a new things but actually is not!so stressfull.i hate what i've thinking of.Allah let me know me please..show sumthing!gv me as possible a clues,a hopes!ya Rabbi..im so hopefull gurl.it suddenly happen after me got the result.my feelin' is always tell sumthing bad going to happen to me.no please,Allah!very confuse wether am happy+not happy+nervous+blur and surely de questions totally just came around my head!aduh..sakit kepala.merayap here and there.then i took up my panadol+some vitamins+mineral water=so,i can slept easily.haha..im great to be lazy for updating my blog!*dush..
Allah whatever ppl are talking about me?!im still with my choices.please ya Allah.i was so nervous those things always disturb my day..
panjatkan doa hamba Mu yang lemah ini..sesungguhnya aku ingin mendapat segala yang terbaik untuk masa depan aku!ya Allah,no one have their powerful to prove anything except you.only you can judges me what i should be!apa yang aku mampu,aku berserah dan tawakal pada mu.aku yakin segala keptusan yg Allah lakukan pada aku.adalah yg terbaik untuk diriku.wallahualam.
salam. semoga apa sahaja yang dilakukan diberkati Allah..aminnn
beb..btul kate atiqah..
aku stuju..
fly:wasalam fly..
terima kasih and insyallah.amin
alya:erm..walau apepun,g00d luck.aku pun sebenarnya cuak.aku tak ley tido beberapa hari ni.
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