Monday, November 29, 2010

sekretariat sekolah@mmu

nak join!nak join..hee

Salam & Greetings to all,

Kindly be informed that, for the first time Sekretariat Sekolah@MMU will be conducting an open interview to recruit new committees for our upcoming event, SEKOLAH@MMU MELAKA PERDANA 2011 which will be held during trimester break. This interview is especially for all MMU Melaka Campus students.

Sekolah@MMU is a charity program that has already started since the year of 2003, with it core objective, which is to expose secondary school students with the importance of Information Technology & Multimedia knowledge.

To those who are interested and can give full commitment towards this program, please come to this interview.

Our interview will be held on :

Date : 15th Disember 2011
Day : Wednesday
Time : 8.30 pm - 10.00 pm
Venue : Will Inform Later ( always aware with the promotion around your campus)

To newbies, do not hesitate to give a try. There are so many many things to learn and countless memorable experiences are waiting too:)

Everyone is INVITED!
 Don't forget to bring along friends ;)

For any inquiries, please contact:

IDA (0132041804) NURUL (0133116031)


Sekretariat Sekolah@MMU

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