Wednesday, January 7, 2009

jika aku kata mengong ..bagaimana?

aku hari ni terimbas kembali hal mggu lpas..kalu nk diikutkan mmg mau beri penampar aja!huhu.
rabu(1/1/09)-jiran aku,cik jun minta aku pergi tnya keje kosong dkt kedai kucing.memandangkan aku baru habis SPM,and time tu plk aku merewang cr da ade lesen.hikhik.pjg la langkahnye.aku pun pergi la..~!
-smpai je aku kt cna,suasana agk tenteram rasenya.aku dgr kucing2 pggil aku kt dlm tu.excited tu jgn ckp la!huhu.then,tokei yg jg kedai tu pun dtg kt aku.tnya sama ada aku mint kucing ka?alergik kucing ka?takut kucing ka?and i said no sir!
-then ok la..tokei tu kt,farahin!U'RE the best one!dont forget to come back for training tis saturday!guess what my feelings at that time!!!happy bodo!!!
(x ley tido aku siang dan malam sampai la ari sabtu)
sabtu(3/1/09)-berdebar-debar aku tggu untuk training..should go at 11 am but i woke up at 5 am!!nervous m00d!and seriously i forgot,wether kul 10 atau 11??my mom advice me to go early cause am not loose anything.pergi2,kt pakcik tu, tokei and doktor blum sampai knoe?first time i met him,ya Allah,cam org gilak..haha..he's just wear a singlet and seluar pendek.euw,i said im out first and come back later.looks scary.
-blik la rumah dulu..papa tegur jgn la cemas sgt!relax.nothin' la part time jobs niy.herm,oke,im c00l surely!dah sampai kedai kucing tu blik.aku tgk ade family dtg,in my mind..customers?!maybe..:P
suddenly,uncle tu dtg kt ni pun nk keje kt cni juga ke?and i out of my mind?dalm hati aku,what?nape tnya mcm tu?hello,im blank!somebody please tell me what's going on here?mmg aku dpt keje cni n im on my way for training la today?
-hampir setengah jam tggu doktor and tokei sampai!hah,boring..kitaorg pun dok la berbincang.from what tokei tu ckp,he want to hire that gal!!shit..sewel..bengong..sial..tett..tett..bla2 n wteva..tersentap aku siut.dlm hati aku lg,kata aku da confirm dpt keje ctu.but why she?tokei tu kt because she's permanent and i temporary..!giler,before this x bg taw pun nk permanent?and you make a promises to me that i get that jobs.suddenly ini plk terjadi.gilak bab0n btul.i hate them so much!
-diorang offer aku pergi cwangan diorang di bukit way!my life stil kt port dickson ni lgik!why i should go there.bod0 sangt aku rase!and my mom of course la x kasik.diorang suh blik pikirkan..
-mlm tu aku mmg geram!bkn ape pasal da janji kan tempt untuk aku di PD. aku send msg kt doktor tu kt my mom x kasik.u knoe what?they just said oke??say sorry la!aduhai.i though doktor ni bijak rupenya ade yg bod0 juga.AND I CKP,len kali kalu nk hire sesiapa make sure you make a detail list for everyone to knoe you need who?!!!bg kriteria yg u nk wether boys or gal?permanent or temporary?and dont make a promises to me cause i new person for this world??!!sialan..they never care my feelin'.benci gila aku!
-lagi ktnya,mereka masih br dlm busines tu,and sbnrnya ade seurang ibu tggl yg sgt memerlukan keje inieyh,itu bukan masalah aku la mengong!you should know how to handle it easily and unsensitively.biolan btoi!btul2 duga kesabaran aku.x sangka ade sebegitu rupe.
-aku doakan business diorang maju aja la.aku pun sbnrnya bukan kemaruk sgt nk keje tuh!tp bila difikirkan dia jnji ngan aku.takkan aku nk berdiam diri..seperti dipijak pijak.arghhh...tension sgt!

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