Monday, August 23, 2010


antara 2 ni,yg mana pling best?
aku sangat memerlukan kamera sekarang,!terlalu byk memori hendak disimpan,.bila ntah nak beli??canon skrg tgh promotions!aku rela cuci pinggan kt mana2 rumah yg nak ambil aku!sanggup!nak kumpul duit,mcm dah x pekara pertama ,mintak sponsor dari ayahanda.amacam?aku selalu usha lumix tapi byk pihak kata canon lagi baguih..
i ask de person to tell me about canon.whats the different between ixus and powershot? which one better?
he said,"both is good. it depends on your needs. if you are into style and fashion, ixus will be more suitable for you. if you are a power users, where functions are more important than style, then powershot is for you."

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